
Showing posts from October, 2021

Vehicle to Vehicle communication

    Vehicle to Vehicle Communication It is estimated that 1.3 million people are killed each year in car accidents. Another 22 million are injured, totalling $2 trillion in annual costs. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants to reduce these numbers by mandating Vehicle to Vehicle Communication for all new vehicles by 2020. These cars will be able to sense each other's positions, speed, acceleration and braking status up to 300 meters away . Vehicle to vehicle communication Outdoor LCDs are an affordable and practical option for controlling the various features of an electronic screen. There are two types of automobile LCDs: digital on-screen and Infrared (ILC) display screens. LCDs with digital on-screen displays are more popular in automobiles and trucks, while ILC displays are more suitable for fixed installations. ILC display is ideal for fixed structures, such as bridges and safety signage. The majority of modern cars come with basic Video LCDs ...